Наша компания имеет более чем 15-летний опыт в области исследований, производства, управления и продаж стали.

Difference between Annealing and Tempering

Difference between Annealing and Tempering The difference between annealing and tempering is determined by how it is treated. Tempering the metal entails heating it to a certain heat below a certain threshold and then cooling it at a very slow and regulated rate, while annealing involves heating the metal to a given temperature and then cooling it at a very slow and controlled rate, and is oft...


Turned, Ground and Polished: Meaning and Applications

Turned, Ground and Polished: Meaning and Applications Metal shafts are used of Higher Speed applications which need a higher-level of precision. Premature wear on either the shaft or the bearing will occur if the shafts has a rough finish or lack concentricity and straightness. Steel shaft manufacturers often use the turned, ground, and polished method to achieve the high degree of precision n...


Measuring Metal Strength : Tensile Strength and Impact Strength

Measuring Metal Strength : Tensile Strength and Impact Strength Tensile strength and impact strength are two of the most important factors to consider when choosing a metal for a particular project, particularly when it comes to structural applications. It’s critical to understand these mechanical properties and how to test them before choosing the right metal for your project.   Wha...


Know the difference between Blanchard Grinding and Precision Grinding

Know the difference between Blanchard Grinding and Precision Grinding Grinding is a machine process that uses abrasive materials or metals to get to its required dimensions and top layer finishing. There are various methods of grinding that are followed in the industries. Blanchard grinding and Precision Grinding are two methods of grinding. Blanchard grinding is used on materials with a wide ...


ISO 9001 Certification Benefits and Importance

ISO 9001 Certification Benefits and Importance Checks and balances must be in place in a global marketplace. Or else, maintaining continuity and efficiency across sectors and nations will be impossible. ISO is one such entity that contributes to maintaining International Standards in a fair playing field.   What is ISO Certification exactly mean? ISO certification verifies that a ...


What Is the difference between Hole Punching, Notching, and Drilling?

What Is the difference between Hole Punching, Notching, and Drilling? Plate and Sheets undergo a variety of operation during its fabrication, all this is needed to fulfil a certain requirements. Material removal is a method of fabrication process that is widely used. Hole punching, notching, and drilling are three different methods of material removal processes. Although it has many similariti...


What Exactly Is Weathering Steel And What Are Its Application?

What Exactly Is Weathering Steel And What Are Its Application? Weathering steel is a type of low carbon steel that incorporates additional alloying elements in addition to carbon and iron atoms. Weathering steel has greater strength and corrosion resistance than normal low carbon steel grades owing to the inclusion of these alloying components. As a result, weathering steel is often used in ou...


Что такое инконель 901 Сплав? Введите инцель 901 Свойства сплава таблица характеристик

Что такое инконель 901 Сплав? Введите инцель 901 Свойства сплава таблица характеристик     Что такое инконель 901 Сплав? Инконель 901 Сплав никель-железо-хромовый сплав, содержащий титан и алюминий для осадочной зак...


Влияние процесса глубокого науглероживания стали 18CrNiMo7-6 на свойства тканей

Влияние процесса глубокого науглероживания стали 18CrNiMo7-6 на свойства тканей   В последнее десятилетие или около того, высокоскоростное развитие ветроэнергетики, высокоскоростной железной дороги и т.д., европейски...


Несколько способов определения качества различных видов нержавеющей стали

Существует много различных способов идентификации нержавеющей стали, общие способы идентификации материалов из нержавеющей стали следующие. Во-первых, в соответствии с источником нержавеющей стали для иденти...


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